Elizabeth is a Junior in Dunster House who studies Music, French, and German. After growing up in a small rural town in the North of England, she found Boston a very different environment (she had never been to the USA before!) but FIP helped her to settle in quickly and make loads of new friends. That’s why she is so excited to be a part of FIP again, now for the third year in a row, and she also can’t wait to meet all of the new FIPers this year - she knows that they’re going to have an amazing time, and she can’t wait to be a part of it! An interesting fact about Elizabeth is that she plays all sorts of musical instruments, including guitar, violin, and piano - and she also sings with the Harvard University Choir and the Radcliffe Pitches. When she’s not running between rehearsals, you can usually find her practicing French (eating croissants), learning new tunes on her mandolin (procrastinating her music theory homework), and gossiping with her sisters on the phone.